We study the performance of an orthogonal modulation system with frequency-shift keying ( FSK) label and optical Manchester-coded ( MC) payload. 本文研究了基于光曼彻斯特数据编码及FSK标记方式的正交调制系统。
Frequency-Shift Keying Multivalue Transmission Spread Spectrum ( FSK-SS) Communication 移频键控多值传送扩频(FSK-SS)通信方式
Performance of Space-time Frequency-shift Keying Systems in Presence of Oscillator Phase Noise 振荡器相位噪声对空时频移键控系统性能的影响
Combining the advantages of space-time block codes and frequency-shift keying, space-time frequency-shift keying ( ST-FSK), which does not require any channel state information at the transmitter and the receiver, can adopt the noncoherent ML detector under the Rayleigh fading channels. 空时频移键控(ST-FSK)结合了空时分组码和频移键控的优点,在瑞利衰落信道条件下无需信道信息,可采用非相干的最大似然(ML)检测器。
Non-coherent energy detection was the key technique of frequency-shift keying modulation, so the system introduced Chirp signal as the carrier signal for its performance with sharp energy peak, easy to detect and judge to reduce the probability of error. 非相干能量检测是频移键控技术的关键,系统采用线性调频信号作为载波信号,其匹配信号具有尖锐的能量峰值,易于检测、判决,以降低误判的概率。
At the part of de-noising for frequency-shift keying signal, this paper taking the methods of wavelets denoising and wavelet packet de-noising. 在对移频轨道信号的降噪部分,本文分别使用了小波降噪和小波包降噪两种不同的方法,并给出仿真结果。